Our Delicious Pilar
Frozen Iced Treats

Indulge in the exquisite harmony of flavors with our artisanal iced treats. Savor the delicate balance of rich creamy iced treats!

Our Decadent Liquor-Infused Pilar Frozen Iced Treats

Indulge in the exquisite harmony of flavors with our artisanal liquor-infused iced treats. Savor the delicate balance of premium spirits perfectly blended into rich creamy iced treats. We have pints ready to take home and enjoy whenever the craving strikes.

Get your favorite iced treats with liquor-infused flavors from a range of spirits

Something a little sweet is the best way to wind down after a night out. With all of our liquor-infused iced treats, we are certain it will become your new favorite ritual.